TIF districts
In order to spur economic growth, the City of Carlinville has implemented two TIF Districts within the community – One district is located in the downtown business district while the other is located on the northern side of the community and encompasses the Carlinville Plaza and historic Standard Addition neighborhood.
TIF Districts dedicate sales tax revenues and additional property tax revenues generated within the TIF for improvements within the district to encourage new economic development and job creation.

Projects in TIF districts typically include:
– Redevelopment of substandard, obsolete, or vacant buildings
– Financing public infrastructure improvements, including streets, sewer, water, in declining areas
– Cleaning up polluted areas
– Improving the viability of downtown business districts; rehabilitating historic properties
– Providing infrastructure needed to develop a site for new industrial or commercial use
If you would like more information regarding the Enterprise Zone in Carlinville, please contact
Economic Development/Zoning/Grants Administrator Bobbi Bates at: 217.854.4908 or [email protected]