What is the Facade Grant Program?
The Facade Grant Program is an annual grant program that the City of Carlinville opens up to commercial property owners for aesthetic improvements to the exteriors of their property with the city paying up to $5,000 for the 2025/26 year.
Thanks to funding from the American Rescue Plan (ARPA), the Carlinville City Council voted to increase the available funding in the program from the typical $10,0000 per cycle to $25,000. The increased available funding greatly increased interest in applying for the grant and allowed many first-time applicants to be awarded the grant.

1. Property must be in a business zone (C-1 or C-2) within City limits.
2. Applicant must be the business owner and/or owner of the property being reviewed.
3. Grant must be used for street façade improvements such as paint, lighting, window repair or replacement, masonry repair, and appropriate signs, subject to current zoning regulations. Sidewalks, driveways, landscaping, parking surfaces, and striping do not qualify for grants.
4. All approved projects must be completed and submitted by December 31 of each calendar year, at Carlinville City Hall with a copy of the project’s final bill and a canceled check.
5. All Contractors must comply with the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act.
6. All projects must comply with the Zoning Code and permits must be obtained.
Certain materials should not be used on traditional commercial buildings where they have no relationship to the original design. Inappropriate materials may include but are not limited to: cultured stone, rough textured wood siding, wooden shingles, vinyl or metal siding typical of residential construction materials, and gravel or stucco. All materials will be given careful consideration to ensure an appropriate appearance.
WINDOWS: Every effort should be made to preserve and retain the function and any decorative details such as etched or beveled glass. Clear, etched, or stained glass is preferred. Windows may not be permanently filled, closed in or decreased in size.
DOORS: Every effort should be made to maintain or repair the original door. A new door should be of the same design and proportions as the original and be constructed of wood, steel, fiberglass, or aluminum. All entry doors must have a glass insert.
AWNINGS AND CANOPIES: Where possible, owners should retain and repair awnings and canopies that originate from the building’s earlier historical period. Whenever possible new awnings should be complimentary to the building’s original fixtures and existing adjacent awnings or canopies. New awnings must be constructed of appropriate materials, and awnings and canopies must be attached directly to the building without the use of poles or sidewalk supports. All awning applications shall be considered on a case-by-case basis based on the historical nature of the building.
PAINT COLORS: Color schemes for masonry, signs, awnings, and paint should be compatible with the district. Wall surfaces not previously painted, such as brick, terra cotta and stone should remain unpainted. Colors must be approved in advance of the grant award.
MASONRY AND TUCKPOINTING: Cleaning of masonry shall include new mortar joints where necessary. New mortar should be filled and finished to match the original depth, style, and any existing colors.
EXTERIOR LIGHTING: Mounting of fixtures is limited to the first floor and must be harmonious with the overall design. Lights may not move or flash.
Exterior Paint, lighting, window repair or replacement, masonry repair, awning, and appropriate signage.
Contact Economic Development/Zoning/Grants Administrator Bobbi Bates with any questions you may have about the program.
217.854.4908 or [email protected]