Macoupin County Enterprise Zone
The Enterprise Zone in Macoupin County is a powerful economic tool that acts as a stimulus to attract investment by private companies for job creation. That stimulus is driven by incentives that are available to those companies that locate or expand in the zone.
Any building materials that are used in the expansion, new project, or renovation are exempt from Illinois and local sales taxes.
There’s an investment tax credit that the company qualifies for which is an offset against its Illinois corporate income tax.
Under the ordinances that the local units of government pass there’s also a local property tax abatement for up to 10 years.

The most recent Enterprise Zone was enacted under former mayor, Deanna Demuzio, who said:
“The City of Carlinville is excited about the economic development opportunities offered by the new Enterprise Zone. It’s an effective local tool that we can use to attract new business, assist our existing businesses and add new jobs,” Demuzio said. “Carlinville’s proximity between the Metro East and Springfield offers an accessible community with a great quality of life sought by employers and employees.”
If you would like more information regarding the Enterprise Zone in Carlinville, please contact
Economic Development/Zoning/Grants Administrator Bobbi Bates 217-854-4908 or [email protected]